Lianfang Steel Customer Support

As a leading manufacturer of steel products, Lianfang Steel has established itself as a reliable supplier of high-quality steel solutions across various industries. We understand that in the diverse global market, customers' needs are diverse, and we always put customers first, striving to provide comprehensive and thoughtful support.

Product Support

We have a professional product support team that has a deep understanding of the characteristics and applications of various steel products. They can provide detailed product consultations and answers to customers. Whether it's about product selection, usage, or maintenance, we can offer professional advice and guidance to ensure that customers can fully utilize the performance of our products.

Technical Support

In terms of technical support, we provide comprehensive technical services covering the entire process from product design, production, to installation and commissioning. Our technical team possesses rich experience and professional technical knowledge, able to provide customized solutions to customers and help them solve technical challenges, ensuring the smooth progress of projects.

After-sales Support

We value every customer's feedback and needs, and therefore provide comprehensive after-sales support services. Whether it's a product quality issue or a question during usage, we will respond promptly and provide solutions. We commit to providing long-term after-sales service, ensuring that customers receive continuous care and support during the use of our products.

Customer Service

Our customer service team is always guided by customer needs, providing warm, thoughtful, and professional service. We have established a comprehensive customer service system, providing feedback channels for consultations, complaints, and suggestions through multiple channels such as phone, email, and online customer service. We are committed to making every customer feel the care and respect of Lianfang Steel.

In conclusion, Lianfang Steel not only provides high-quality steel products, but also wins customers' trust with excellent customer support. We will continue to uphold the "customer-first" philosophy, continuously improve our service level, and provide customers with even better services.

Privacy Policy

I. Introduction

We take user privacy and personal information protection very seriously. This privacy policy aims to explain to you how we collect, use, protect and share your personal information and how you can exercise your privacy rights. Please read this privacy policy carefully before using the services provided by this website to ensure that you fully understand and agree.

2. Scope of application

This privacy policy applies to our collection, use, protection and sharing of your personal information when you use our website and related services.

3. Collection of information

1. Personal information: When you register an account, purchase products, participate in activities, or fill out questionnaires, we may collect personal information such as your name, contact information, email address, company name, and position.

2. Device information: When you use our website, we may collect your device model, operating system, browser type, IP address and other information in order to provide you with better services.

3. Log information: We may record the log information of your use of our services, including the pages you visit, duration of stay, search records, etc., to optimize our services.

4. Use of information

1. Providing services: We may use your personal information to provide the services you need, such as product consultation, order processing, after-sales service, etc.

2. Marketing promotion: We may send you product recommendations, promotions and other information based on your interests and needs.

3. Statistical analysis: We may use your information for statistical analysis to understand user behavior and improve products and services.

5. Protection of information

1. We will take reasonable security protection measures to ensure that your personal information is not accessed, used, disclosed, damaged or lost without authorization.

2. We regularly review our security policies and procedures to ensure their effectiveness.

3. We only allow employees with legitimate reasons to access your personal information and must comply with this Privacy Policy.

6. Sharing of information

1. We will not sell your personal information to any third party.

2. We may share your information with our partners to provide you with better services. We will ensure that partners adhere to strict privacy policies and security measures before sharing.

3. We may provide your information to law enforcement agencies or government departments when required by law or to protect your or others' legitimate rights and interests.

7. Your rights

1. You have the right to access, correct and delete your personal information.

2. You have the right to object to our collection, use or sharing of your personal information. However, please note that this may affect our ability to provide services to you.

3. You have the right to withdraw your consent to our use of your personal information.

8. Changes to Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy policy from time to time. When the Privacy Policy changes, we will post the updated Privacy Policy on the website. Please check this privacy policy regularly to understand the latest content.

9. Contact information

If you have any questions or suggestions about this privacy policy, please contact us by:


Finally, thank you for choosing our website and trusting us to protect your privacy. We will continue to work hard to provide you with better services.